First yes fasting is a LOT of water loss, but lets try to realize here that fat is not stored on our bones or in our hair or in sand bags. It is stored in wet tissue cells and fat is watery.
Sooo... when you are losing water you are also losing the fat that was stored in that water. We don't just carry fat around...
In order to lose fat then you must lose water. It only makes sense.
It peeves me when people say, well its all water loss. Well yea the fat is stored in the water. DUH!
I am extremely susceptible to candida growth. When I get my period I hold like 10 lbs of water. its horrid. If I am not fasting. Maybe some of you are the same way?
Candida is the bad bacteria that flourish in your body when you eat bad foods, are exposed to
Antibiotics often (recent studies show we all our exposed its in the tap water!!) which kill off our good bacteria and leave only bad bacteria to flourish.
The side effects from candida growing out of control are monumental.
Toe fungus, yest infections, unable to lose weight, uncontrollable cravings for bad foods.. ie
Sugar carbs fast food etc, and coughing when you lay down at night, allergies.. I mean just take a second to Google it.
Now to get that under control you can either battle it with a funky diet, or fast.
Anyway there is a test you can do. Spit in a glass of water in the morning. If you go away for a while and come back and you can see through the glass that it is stringy and reaching down into the glass instead of staying at the top... its candida.. which sucks but fasting clears it up. There isno test a doc can do because we all have candida in us anyway. It feeds on sugars and high blood sugar. And when it breeds out of control you are just screwed.
Yes fasting is always effective way for me to lose weight. Generally I stick to a healthy natural diet, but there are always circumstances that pop up which make this impossible.
We can be at sea, we can have a trip, our house burnt down, too busy, just lazy, partying, photo shoots, scale broke, LOL etc... And as you all know you start eating this bad crap and its made to make you want more. So yes... Fasting always works for me and its a nice RESET button.
1) Depriving yourself of food gives you a sense of self empowerment that I sometimes need when I feel I don't have enough control.
2) Quick results, if I don't see them I lose interest
3) Shrinks your stomach so you are forced to naturally learn proper food proportions.
4) When you eat again you have a new appreciation for what you are putting in your mouth.
5) You can always rely on fasting. It doesn't require a machine you buy or a juice drink. It is a natural cleansing mode your body goes into in order to burn off stored fat. Some people like to call this negatively "starvation mode" and say it slows down your metabolism. This is actually not true. It switches over your energy processing system from food to fat. Which is how it works, which is how it always has worked which is how it is supposed to work.
UG! I swear it should be a punishable crime for releasing private "love" pictures of your ex after the relationship has crumbled. Bastards... Where was I?
6) Detox--- All the nasties that are just too much for your body to process, don't get pooped out. Some things like in my case spider venom, would damage your system, so your body just tossed them into fat cells where they sit and gradually lose their strength. Many many toxins are also stored here because if you are out of shape, or were sick, or your body was busy doing something else--the backup plan is to store things here. On a long fast you will see ickies coming out of your skin, breath, eyes, colon... etc... FASTING IS GOOD. Getting rid of these toxins is a spiritual thing. I myself can think more clearly when fasting and a long time after a fast.
Fasting has been a healthy part of my life for the last decade.
They say over and over again that it's not good to go up and down and do crash diets etc. In a perfect world no one would sling fast food at you, there would always be time and ability to eat healthy. We don't live in that world. Life gets in the way.
Car accidents are particularly good for you either...
Healthy eating natural foods if you can find them are great yay
but when life steps in and poops on everything and its out of my control... fasting always works, quick, easy, healthy, and I would probably do it even if my ass never got fat.