Dear Sheldon,
Thank you very much for your advice. I am taking d-alpha Tocopherol 400 IU orally and d-alpha Tocopheryl Acetate 1000 IU (4 soft gels) as enema. Both are manufactured by GNC. Are these OK or I need to change any of these or both. I have stopped taking the things your have mentioned. I am taking potato and carrot after removing thicker part of the skin. I am planning to add cabbage and cauli flower.
During the procedure I am lying in the left side and stayed for 5 minutes and then on backside and right side for 5 minutes each. I am using the enema bulb advised by use (Cara enema syringe 6 ounce capacity). I am trying to push as much as vitamin e inside and simultaneously trying not to leave more air. Still a lot of the mixture remains in the bulb. Could you kindly clarify me about the amount of mixture that should go inside? Should I use an excess of vitamin e in case I feel not enough mixture is going?
Looking forward for your reply