Between a Masticating Juicer and a blender there is no difference in the product really.
THe difference is that with a masticating juicer you can just keep going without stopping - Whereas with a blender you are repeatedly doing batches and stuff gumms pu at the bottom of the vessel eventually.
In terms of the pressing part - The Norwalk had a slick pressure relief valve switcjed to the juicer power to make the squeezing operation really simple, whereas depending on how you setup the press can be as awkward as you want it and you'll probably have to udo it manually unless you spend the time to fit it out either pneumatically or hydraulically...
The real key to acheiving maximum juice from a pulpy mass is that the pressure must be continous thru to the last drop. So if you use a manual press/jack the stop/start gets less juice. My theory: as the juice is squeezed drys the fibres so that as the pressure is released or stopped the fibres suck up the juice making it harder to release again. Not sure what the technical explanation is BUT its the reality.