Zoe, on cue, you responded as most would.
What my rant exemplifies is not that MtnnnDewww needs a stimulus check to keep his hottub warm in the winter, but yet, the total unbelievable distain for the producers of America. This is an example of class envy at its root. You by-pass the fact that because I pay more taxes and make more of everything I and others like me should participate equally in this whatever plan of George's. But, as predicted, you go along with the crowd and state quite openly to a producer, "You don't need it, blah, blah", doesn't matter if I need it or not, am I not part of the American economy, Miss Zoe? Class envy is what it is. And when producers like myself are left out of the equation, or made to pay higher income tax rates based on more production than the next guy, we are punished. I love the violin graphic, by the way. If you haven't noticed, Miss Zoe, I use personal examples to shine the light on greater topics of concern. It's nothing new to be part of a group of "class enviers" who don't say the proper response such as, "Yes, Mtnnn, you and your ilk should get paid the same as everybody else in this America". That would be logicial, common sense, without emotion thinking. You don't do that, do you, Zoe. Is it a wonder that guys like me who pay the freight of life so the lazy and drugged out and drunken and divorced 3 times can sustain their existence...is it a wonder that we, collectively, will make you pay in other ways? Ways you don't even see coming. We can control that, Zoe, and we will always collect what we pay out. Maybe, just maybe we wouldn't have to if the producers were thanked for their service to America. Is that too much to ask?