Jeezy, wheezy, I AM a woman, and so an emotional
creature by nature...ggg.
My post was making the point that it is ludicrous
that GW thinks that pouring monopoly money into
the system is going to stimulate much except more
Class envy, not exactly. I have made the best of
what fate handed me. I was knocked financially
for a loop when someone knocked me off the road
with a car wreck but surely that had to be some
sort of twist of fate. My banker laments that I
did not ask him about lawyers though since I did
that sort of flip through the yellow pages and
so did not make a good choice and wowser did that
guy take me to the cleaners. I am paying for it
now, but certainly you will not hear me whining.
You still think ultimately you have a great deal
of control over your future. I know that I have
limitations and so look for ways to work with
what I have. I admit my budget is being squeezed
by the cost of gas and food. I do not think you
even consider that so much, although I will give
you the benefit of doubt as your costs to your
contractors will also reflect the increase in
fuel costs.
I can assure you, I still do not worry about it,
but do pay attention. I would thank you if what
you have to offer me was more evident. From where
I am sitting though, it appears that you lump most
of us into a class of users and losers. I know
I raised my family and educated my daughter on
my nickel and so for what it is worth, I have
produced a viable member of society. You on the
other hand, have helped create a market for those
coming into the country illegally to undermine
the economy in ways which create the class divisions
you are seemingly bitter about. I know it is more
complex than this and you cannot count on me for
answers. I cannot count on you for answers either.
You are a part of the class who turned an eye
and brag about how well you are doing assuming
that we are not because we are lazy and not
working the system as well as you. I am not lazy,
but do admit I probably do not have the business
savvy you have. I still do not feel sorry for
you though as we all have trade-offs in life and
if I have any satisfaction, and I do, it is that
I do as well as I do given the position I find
myself in. You, on the other hand, seem to want
me to feel badly that you feel like you are working
so hard to be the backbone of our country's
prosperity. Your business keeps you close to home
as the lawns and bushes that need trimming which
your contracts serve keep you in this country.
There are plenty of men in your position that took
their business elsewhere and contributed to breaking
the middle class.
I heard a story on the news today about how the
banks have been raking in bucks with fees for using
our money in the banking system. The newscaster said
most Americans are not aware or do not understand
how that system works. Instead of teaching people,
banks and corporations who profit from any number
of investments banks have, allow people's ignorance
to feed their money machines and then when it all
falls down those banks want the government to bail
them out. You seem to want to blame only the person
who is failing that system. There are catch-22's
enough for all and I am not surprised that you might
stumble upon one in this crazy-arse plan of this
administration to somehow stimulate overall growth
by pouring dollars out their butts. Its not going
to work. Its been broken, and is breaking, and so
have fun while you can. It may take many more years
but unless you are filthy rich, it will effect you
also and so I do not see this crack in your sidewalk
to be much to worry about.
Tell me again why I should envy you?? I am willing
to say, in a perfect world, that if all the serfs
are going to get an allowance that surely you also
deserve one. This is not a perfect world though and
I would rather see some real effort to effect change
which would fix what is broke rather than distract
us with a trip to the mall with our measly hundred
dollar bills. Its insane in my opinion, but I am
also of the opinion that GW is too. I do not hold
out much hope for the likes of the people running
for the office in November either. Under any of their
plans, its not going to get better when the machinations
of NAFTA are running up to steam and the no-border
policies and the no-one is illegal policies of those
running come into fruition. Nope, hard to imagine
any of us will be happy except the most elite of
the power brokers who will listen to your whining
with little to no concern.
Do you feel better?? I am always at least glad to
see I do not disappoint you. I have nothing else
to offer you except my best intentions. In the
grander scheme of things, its a global world
after all...(hum that to "its a small world"...)
be happy, be well,