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Re: First water fast. I have questions!
Moxie Views: 1,951
Published: 17 y
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Re: First water fast. I have questions!

Day 6! I'm still doing fine. My skin has flared into some acne, which I understand is normal, but I'm very pleased to see how as it improves it's becoming smoother and clearer overall. Spider veins are fading, as I said yesterday, and rough patches and old stretch marks are now fading.

My clothes are fitting differently, and I can't wait to see what the numbers look like when I get a chance to weigh myself tomorrow.

After gently breaking fast for the first week (planning to increase from 800 by 100 calories a day), how soon can I go onto Furhmans' ETL meal plan? It seems like a lot of roughage, and there's warnings on this board about eating too much too soon.

Lastly, since I'm having such great results from this fast (I feel amazing!), how long should I wait until I have another? A month? 6 weeks? 2 months? I know my nutrient banks need to fill up, but I've got plenty of stored energy to live on.


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