Abraham gives me such a buzz!
Don't know if any of you have the same experience, but sometimes, as I listen to Esther chanelling Abraham, I feel so much joy that I am smiling but tears are rolling down my face at the same time. It's like I am being bathed in an ocean of bliss. I love knowing I AM the Vortex.
I was sitting in meditation this morning and I sometimes have little conversations with Abraham and for some reason today, I was asking for some psychic experience to happen. Shortly afterwards, the thought came into my mind to say aloud "Lights off" .. and I did ... and all of a sudden all the lights in the house went off. The kids thought it was a power cut because the Nintendo Wii switched off. A few minutes after, I heard my thoughts telling me to say "Lights on", so I said it, and the lights came back on.
Weird but a little fun for today. I love it when Source energy plays with me :-)
How's everyone doing?
Maya X