Re: 10 DAYS are done!!!!!! I am soo happy for myself!!!:D:D:D
Hi Bling:)
Actually I also thought the same (!) but I was told by Chris and Andrew that the amount of refeeding period should be EQUAL the amount of fasting days.. May be we both obtained that info which was related, for example, to a juice fast? No ideas.. Well, they are both more knowledgeable and have more experience than us so better listen;))
Today I have been drinking my fresh juice all day long. YUUUMMY!... Mainly it was orange juice. Also I drank grapefruit and melon juice (in all cases most of the pulp was removed). Tomorrow make my portions up to the whole cup:).. Tomorrow I need to go to work so I will drink fruit and vegi juice in the morning and also make a mixture of grape and apple juice to take with me to work. May be take couple of oranges to squeeze at work and a small fruit. On Wednesday I am planning to eat small portions of fruits throughout a day... Today have gone to sauna. Feel greeeat:)))... I think I have already mentioned in my previous posts that after my fast my nails became almost white! They look kind of tender now:). Today at sauna I looked at my toes (nails) and was really surprised and pleased - nails, usually having quite yellowish colour now looked at least 3 times lighter in shade (almost pure white). Wow.. just wow!!.. I GUESS inside there are also big changes:))).... Today also in sauna I weighted myself and I was a bit shocked. I lost quite a bit! Ok, I am 177 (5'9). My weight before a fast was about 74 (162). My ideal weight is 70 kg (155). Now I am 66,5 kg (146). So for a 10 days of a
Water Fast I lost 7 kg (about 15,4 pounds). Thus the aim now to gain some flesh back! I am on refeeding period now and within 6 days I am not allowed to eat any protein (on day 7 - yogurt). Soooo, hopefully I won't loose more! Anyway, I don't have a chiose I just HAVE TO stick to this eating. DON'T WANT TO MESS UP ALL MY 10 DAYS EFFORTS. NO WAY!
In a way, I envy ppl who start their long fasts (a bit) overweight. They can go easily for up to 30 days and still be ok at the end of the fast. In my case, well, in 30 days I will just evaporate.. vanish. I was told that ppl with normal weight loose much less during long tern fasts. May be but in my case I lost a lot. Ok, no complains - it happened coz MY BODY DECIDED SO. And a new 'flesh', which I gain back soon, will be much healthier than the one I lost! :D:))
So, Bling, how is ur fasting going??