--Same or Different Bible?----
Hi Bythc,
Your question: I guess you are reading a different bible than me. There is much talk of sowing and reaping and gathering wheat from the fields, in mine. I do toil in the dirt and brambles to get my food.
Question: What does your Bible tell you pertaining to raising your food, so that it will be of Top Quality?
Does it say anything about the Land Sabbath principles?
What does this mean to you?
For, if one Fails to Heed what ones Instruction book tells us to follow for Health and Happiness, maybe this is "WHY" "WE" Lack in Healing?
Again, what does the Land Sabbath mean to you?
And what Three Purposes do Plants have?
For, If one lacks in this understanding, maybe they are missing more needed understanding to become or stay healthy?
Smile Tis your choice.