Your comment: Moreless you are correct... there is very little silver found in nature. However none of you are still getting it.
Answer: Maybe this is were you seem to be having a problem?
You have agreed that Foods Naturally Lack much Silver in them, so what is the problem with considering that there may be a Reason our Creator made it this way?
Are "WE" smarter than our Creator, or do you not believe you have a Creator?
Could this be the whole problem?
Me, I belive in my Creator and find that when I Seek to Live as he has commanded for folks to Live, that Life provides many Blessings, but when I error in my path of Life and forget to acknowledge my Creator and begin to think I am smarter than my Creator, this just brings me Great Problems !
Are You having these problems now?
Have you forgotten your Creator?
Do you even belive in your Creator?
Smile Tis your choice.