"It's fun to watch people going nuts? Wow, you really are spiritually
evolved. Maybe someday I'll be able to have that kind of wicked fun and consider
myself enlightened. Ridiculous and sick."
I have never said that I'm "enlightened" - have never claimed to
be. But I am spiritually aware. Aware of myself as an eternal spirit
in my body and aware that everyone else is also an eternal spirit making a brief
visit to schoolhouse earth. While here we create everything that happens
to us. Everything. People who go nuts are making their own
choices. Everything that happens to you or anyone else is a choice - from
birth to death. If you take what's happening on the planet anywhere
seriously, you're in a heap of trouble.
We have more individualism today than at anytime in recorded history.
More ability to make our choices than at anytime in history. You are
unable to see all of this unfold? I'm not the only one watching and having
a good time. Yet some look and all they see is doom and gloom. If
that's what you like to see, that's your choice.
As the spiritual energy rises on the planet people are forced to make
choices. It's fun to watch the choices they make - whatever direction they