17 y
Re: Politics and spirituality are inexorably intertwined
"lol ! Well maybe you'll find people on the Spituality forum that
will find your mindlesness more palatable!
So you think everything is peachy keen in the world today, then why are you on a
alternative website that educates people about the lies and dispicabe behavior
of the groups you speak of? Are you compliant withall the deviant behavior they
promote , such as vaccine death jabs for infants, aborting children for
population control toxic chemical to to treat health issues, perpetual war,
deviant sex acts, pedophilia etc. purposely placed toxins in out food ,air and
water supplies the destruction of real Christianity throughout the world,
overtaxation to the point of home loss and poverty! Do you see all these thing
as a positive to promote your elusive Utopian ejaculation?
You sound no different then the delusional rapturists who will gladly sit on
their big fat arses and watch the people of the world become inslaved because
you are one of "THE CHOSEN ONES"????????? Hmmmmmmmm where have we
heard that line of manure before! If so why are you here??????????
Your type makes me vomit!"
If the world is such a horrible place as you think it is, then what year or
era do you wish to return to? Why is longevity on the planet the highest
it has ever been at any point in human history?
If you look up my posts you will see that I participate in all sorts of
alternative therapies, as do many tree huggers. (Hey, the popularity of
almost all alternative medicine of today began with the hippies - lord love 'em
all.) Among the many things I bank on is garlic, which during WWII the
Soviets used as a treatment for disease so much that it became know as
"Russian penicillin." So, I guess that does make me a pinko.
We do agree about those you call the "rapturists" - those who I
call the Armageddonites.
Each and everyone of us are "the chosen ones" - there is no one any
more chosen than anyone else, that's why I remarked about the Great Spiritual
Teacher of an earlier post as probably being on an ego trip.