Hives!!! BUT WHY???
Hello all, this is my first post here at curezone. Been reading posts on this site for a few years now.
Like most of us I’m finally posting because I have a problem that I need help with. I know the wealth of knowledge and wisdom on this forum can help me heal. I’ll try to make this as short as possible. Please bare w/ me…
I’ve had chronic Hives for almost 3 weeks now. Like other posts I’ve read they come at night around 9-10pm and stay w/ me till about 8:30 am the next morning. Very rarely do they rear their ugly heads during working hours (thank god!!!).
Here’s my story,
1. Had an upper respiratory infection that was bacterial. I lost 10
pounds in 4 days as a result of having a 102 temperature for the majority of the 4 days. When everyone else I knew that had it ran to their doc’s for anti-biotics I fought my infection w/ raw garlic and onions, oil of oregano and GSE. Oh yeah, and mega doses of Vit. C.
2. Resumed life as usual (work, kids activities, etc.) so it took me another week or so before I felt 100% again. My skin looked the best it has ever been (bouts of scalp
Psoriasis all my life). And I felt the cleanest (internally) I had ever felt in my adult life.
3. Then BOOM!!! Hives started on a Friday night. I mean the angeodima kind as well!! So this coming Friday (2/22) will be 3 weeks of this hell.
After reading lots of the posts here, I first began to suspect Adrenal fatigue may have set in from the fight of the bacterial Infection because I was starting to get rapid heartbeat at work as well as mild anxiety attacks. I also felt a dull aching feeling in my mid back from time to time, but as soon as I started eliminating caffeine and
Sugar out of my diet that began to subside. I also had a “Mystery” pain upon awakening on the morning of the day the hives started. I got up outta bed and it immediately felt like someone was taking a knife and slowly stabbing me in my mid-back. Very painful!!! But only lasted for about 3-5 seconds. My first thought was “Did some type of virus just lodge itself into my spine?”. But I just blew it off ‘cause viruses usually live and lay dorement in the lower spine.
All of last week I did a
Sea Salt flush every morning and water fasted on Saturday and juice fasted on Sunday. Now I have a BM every morning w/out the
Sea Salt flush (had IBS) all my life.
I’ve been trying to prepare myself for a
Liver Flush (never done one).
I’m starting to think that while I was sick that maybe taking all those anti-fungals spurred a cleansing process and thus the hives began.
I don’t know. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars over the past 2 /12 weeks trying different herbs and stuff. But to no avail!!!
I was wondering if anyone had some insight that might help me figure out what’s going on.
Is it Adrenal? Is it Candida? Is my Liver?
The only other thing I can think of is that a few years back I was at a natural health convention and there was a booth set up where a guys said that he could check the vitality of the different organs by a machine that measured the level of bio-electric frequency that it was vibrating at.
Most of my organs were fine, but when he checked my liver, he looked at me shocked and said “are you an alcoholic?” I told him that I’ve never been drunk before and have never used drugs.
He said, “you have the liver of an 80 year old (I was 29 at the time).
This is why I chose to post on the
Liver Cleansing forum.