Re: Dental developments and OP has a testimonial from a chap who had considerable previous decay before starting pulling. He ended up having to go to the dentist as he understood that pulling can help and prevent but cannot completely restore the unrestorable.
My crowns are the most problematic of my teeth. I think that it is easier for bacteria to hide within the confines on a partially open system. The cement is never a full seal (witness the amount of crowns that just fall out). The crown is rarely flush with the stump the dentist cut to place the crown on. This leaves exposed dentine to collect further infection.
If the tooth has a root filling there is a known problem of residual infection lurking within the socket which, as it has no blood supply left, continues to breed. The best the body can do here is to quarantine the area and contunally fight any bacteria escaping. The bacteria lurk in the spongy holes which in a live tooth have a positive drainage system.
The cement your dentist is using is obviously similar in disolvability to the tartar that collects on teeth that oil pulling is known to remove quite quickly (from experience of board members).
I have had no problems with my crowns loosening yet but, my dentist when he fits a temporary takes at least 10 minutes to wiggle it loose to place the proper crown. I hear of numerous people saying a temporary crown has comes loose. Maybe this is for ease of replacement when your proper crown arrives?
You may find pain in a live tooth stump as the dentine has no protection.
I think the best recommendation would be for you to find out the pros and cons of the cement bonds your dentist could use and the benefits to your gums and other teeth from the thorough bacterial removal. Take the time to do your own research (there are a lots of links in recent threads) and make your own decision. I understand that original listerine mouthwash/baking soda brushing is the next best option.