Re: Your information is not correct
Hi Bruce,
Read your bio (clicked on photo) and certainly do not believe it or you!!!!
Too many spelling mistakes for a manager (of anything) and I would suspect if you make those simple mistakes I certainly would not trust your 'science' (if you have any).
I have researched ClO2 thoroughly and having become convinced by the evidence (actual scientific research showing the safety of ClO2 below 10ppm) then decided to purchase the drops and experiment.
So, since pre-xmas 07 I have tried, tested and yes, over-dosed on
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , with excessive vomiting and diarrhea, which was quickly alleviated by neutralising the effects of the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement with vitamin c powder. Apart from that 'experience' I have only had positive results, as these forums also show.
BTW, answer this question, if the main dental ingredient for whitening teeth and curing all kinds of infections is ClO2, then why are you not attacking the pharmaceutical manufacturers of these products? Is it that they don't have open forums for people like you to project their delusions onto?
If you say who you are: (your quote) "Bruce is the Managing Director of Biosafe Technologies P/L, and a leading expert on Antimicrobial Intervention Programes that incorporate Acidified Sodium Chlorite and Chlorine Dioxide Technologies." How come when I google "Biosafe Technologies P/L" all that comes up is that name in forums?
To sum up, I am all other forum participants are wasting our time with you 'Bruce'.
You are obviously a 'sham'.
from one aussie to another
(us aussie's can smell %¤#&!§-from a virtual mile away)