It is obvious that you do have some smarts, knowledge and technical expertise in the area of chemical supplies. I can see a man of your background would have been a welcome addition to knowledge base of our present MMS support group. However, it is unfortunate that you have chosen to alienate yourself from the group and mount your antagonistic attack toward Jim Humble’s work and his attempts to possibly bring about a new modal for widespread healing from many of the diseases that plague humanity in this day and age.
Traditional Western medicine has come to show itself as somewhat inept at taking us out of this age of toxicity and disease. To me, it appears as though medical science is moving more and more in the wrong direction, moving us deeper and deeper into the labyrinth, with no way to come out of it. As you can see, I have no great fondness, let alone, trust for the orthodoxy and cures that medical science ascribes to.
Jim writes: "The government will be acting at the request of the drug companies to limit the sales of sodium chlorite. Once sodium chlorite swings into use as MMS it will eat into the profits of the drug companies. They will fight. They can’t win, but you can believe that they will try".
I think I am beginning to understand Bruce Crighton. I think I am beginning to understand why you view individuals of our humanity the way you do... as being so irresponsible that they cannot take care of themselves. I believe that you have this view because you were taught that you cannot take care yourself... you were taught this by your parents because this is what was taught to them.
It is the conditioning of all individuals by all societies in which we live… by all governments of the world. Because governments will be better able to exploit their masses if people are not allowed to take responsibility for themselves. People are conditioned that they cannot take care of themselves because if such freedom is allowed to be given to so many people, then the society will not be able to control these people any longer... will not be able to continue to exploit these individuals any further. This will cause government to have bigger problems. The more such individuals exist the more they can prevent societies from exploiting them more. It can become contagious. Freedom can be contagious! It can spread like wild fire.
This is what you are doing, this is what you have been conditioned to do by your society… by your government. You are acting as a well conditioned member of your society. You are like an agent of the machine world that is shown in the movie Matrix. It is a great analogy of what is really going on here, Bruce Crighton, or should we call you Mister Smith! You have been hypnotized, and you think all of us here, who have come out of our deep hypnosis, are out of our minds.
Well, I have to tell you, that you are right! Some of us here have come out of our preconditioned ways of thinking. We are deciding to take matters back into our own hands… we have come out of such conditioning, and there are more and more each day that are just catching on… to the fact that it is quite possible to take care of our own selves, without the need of a doctor… without the need for someone saying this is dangerous. We are perfectly able to judge that for ourselves. That we don’t need a Big Bro to tell what we should and should not be doing, especially when it comes to our health.
You are just on the leading edge of the battle that the pharmaceuticals will wage in order to survive. Perhaps you do not view it in this way. It is because of your conditioning, your deep hypnosis. You have no will of your own, and your are just reacting out of what you have been conditioned to believe... how everyone should be adhering to the authority of government, living like the rest of the status quo.
So if you wake up from you deep sleep, Bruce, you will be more than welcome to join us in our right to our health... in our right to take care of ourselves... our right to do that in whatever way we feel is right for us. It is our choice. It is your choice too, if you want it. Which side to choose. Either you are with us or against us. I assure you, ultimately, we are going to win on this one.
Best regards, turiya