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Re: blackish/greenish stools-PLEASE READ!
Boldyloxx Views: 6,954
Published: 17 y
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Re: blackish/greenish stools-PLEASE READ!

Hi, I just had blackish green stools about 2 weeks ago after starting to take 3 Graviola capsules and 4 Spirulina tablets each morning with distilled water, Algin and squeezed lemon. I ran out of chlorella so was using Spirulina.

My bowel movements were very large too, and I felt good. Just that the bowel movements were blackish and green. I think it was the Spirulina and that I was cleaning out. Algin along with the Spirulina may have dislodged some mercury or excess metal iron deposits in my colon for all I know... accounting for the black.
The healthy Diet as well as added Spirulina could have increased bile flow, accounting for the dark green color. Now they're normal colored.

I have to mention that the day after I had my last metal filling removed, I had a large black bowel movement with some dead parasites . Then normal after that. The almost 99% black was not from any hemorraghing or loss of blood. Mercury and other heavy metals tend to lodge in the colon, so I think it was mercury related.

If your'e taking iron supplements, make sure that they are NOT from iron metal sources, but the iron is coming from plant sources. Alot of the mainstream vitamin companies use metal iron shavings for the iron content. Not good.
People also think by cooking on cast iron skillets, that this will help thier iron levels. Yes-- it but again, you'll get the wrong type of iron. Iron for humans must come from plant sources and not metals. This will also account for black stools.

Judging from my own experience., it's probably a Good cleansing sign and no cause for alarm, unless you are also experiencing anemia symptoms and your doctor finds you are losing blood somewhere in your body.


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