Hi 3jaysmon, I started my period on the 5th and have been felling yucky, I have not had any attacks, but I have a constant light headach, I am more anxious and blue, this is my first real period since post mirena I had 2 before but they were 3 days each and very light, this one seems normal, did you experience this with any other period. I am sorry you had such a bad night! IT IS THE MIRENA! I have had all the blood work done, 2 ekg's, chest x-ray all came back perfect. The mirena has a way of playiing with our minds and heart litterally, how lond have you had yous out again? I am going on my 11th week, and am also on zoloft I was just in the past 3 days switched from 25mg to 50mg where I will stay, maybe that is why I am feeling yucky too, who knows as long as I am not the way I was the first 6 weeks post I can say I feel better. I hope oyu have a better night tonight.