Brain tumor
Hello to everybody, This is my first post here,
Please forgive me if I ask already answered questions. This is about
my father and it is urgent.
My Father has brain tumor. Had surgery in August 2007. Since this time
he is on dr Budwig protocol (flaxseed oil mixed with cottage cheese).
Unfortunately last week he suffered from epileptic fit. Had
topography. Doctor said it seems the tumor is back.
For last 8 days he (and me) are on
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . Now we take 10 drops 3 times a
day. No symptoms of nausea till now. Maybe slight discomfort in
stomach. (I bought NaClO2 ultra poor from a chemical company - it get
yellowish after mixing with
citric acid ).
Yesterday and specially today my father is very weak. He often breath
with open mouth. I am worry.
How shall we precede? Shall we stay at 10 drops 3 x a day? Or increase
number of drops or frequency? Or decrease or stop?
I will be grateful for any other advice.