Re: Ledger death due to combined effects of prescription drugs
Acutally, MM does not seem to think guns are bad. (I, personally, would much very rather live in a world without them.)
In fact, he made a point to say there are as many guns, if not more, in Canada then there are here, but people don't go around shooting each other. He also made a point of being a member of the NRA...or what ever that Charlten Heston thingy is called. (I could care less)
I got the impression that his point is it is the FEAR that is deliberately being installed in us by the government controlled media that is doing it. You don't find that kind of reporting done in other countries...such as Canada.
I personally feel there is no one thing doing it. It is a cocktail of things...implanted fear, drugs (all kinds, but especially SSRIs and speed), toxins (including flouride), and horrific, graphic violence as entertainment to name a few...combined wtih the obscene availability of guns.