i'm new here and i need some advice.. I have been with my husband for 13 years and have 3 kids with him. When we were dating things were great, ever since we got married we had your fights but it has escalated into him fighting with me all the time putting me down and making me feel like i'm a piece of garage that can be thrown away. He has never hit me but verbally and emotional abuse is a definite here, I don't fight back i just put my head down and take it and then cry later, He works fulltime at two jobs and i'm a stay at home mom ofd 3 ages 8,6,4 and he makes me feel like i can't do or be anything. I'm afraid of what he might do thats why i'm still here. I need some advice about how to handle this. I don't have anyone to turn too, have no friends cause he didn't like any of them and my family is having problems themselves so i can't have them know, i'm embarrased