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Glucose Tolerance Test - Doctor not found
archus Views: 4,115
Published: 17 y

Glucose Tolerance Test - Doctor not found

Hello all:

I have been trying to find a doctor in Raleigh, NC area for four weeks who will be able to do a Glucose Tolerance test for my daughter. I get no where. Nobody does a test for low blood sugar, but there are many who do two hour diabetes test. Also there are agencies paid by the government who provide a free blood glucose monitor, but only if you area diabetic, I contacted three companies who advertised that they give out free glucose monitors. They told me that I do not qualify because my daughter does not have diabetes. I said that it is the same thing but opposite of diabetes. One has high Sugar in the blood and the other low. They said sorry they cannot help. It is so frustrating.

I would appreciate it if anyone knows where I can get a list of doctors or institutions who would do a hypoglycemia test in Raleigh, NC.

Thank you.



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