My thyroid storuy doesn't make any sense. As you know as was diagnosed with hypo. Got meds for it. When retested in July... they told me to get off the meds inmediately because I have develloped the hyperthyroidism. When retested in October in the endocrynologist office thyroid seemed normal if not for the antibodies--68H, TSH High sensivity--3.40, T4 free non dialysis--1.4. I will go to test it again and I bet it will be back to normal.
A lot of people reported problems with thyroid related to Mirena... it can be the estrogen dominance... the only thing I am sure for some of us it just completely destabilize the entire hormonal balance...
I am not going to be suprised if Britney blames Mirena on Oprah for everything that lately happens in her life:) And I WILL BELIEVE IT!