questions about internal cleanse?
Hello, Im new to curezone and i have a couple of questions i'm hoping u guys could be kind enough to help me. well im 22 and i had the most perfect skin until about age 18 . I ate a ton of fried food, sugars, drank alot of milk, soda, and also took too much tylenol and motrin for my period . iwas so use to taking pills that i would pop even 6 at a time when my period cramps were unberable. Now im 95% of the time constipated. and when im getting my period my skin gets 10 times worst. i need help becuase i dont know if i do colon, parasite, liver and
kidney cleanse if it would help or would it make it worst? i know i did alot of damage to my liver in my teenage years. also is there anything that helps stabalize my hormones before my period? Do you think oil pulling would help? i dont eat any red meat, pork , fried food , or milk. But im still breaking out and they appear on my cheeks . i also have those almagam tooth filling that i'm hopping to replace. Please help me . sometimes i dont even want to look at people in the face when they speak to me because i feel so horrendous.
Acne has restricted me from living. i thank god for my health overall ,but this has stopped me from doing so many things and meeting so many people . anyones help would be kindly appriciated. Many blessing to all.