have been experiencing pain coming on to my hip during the past 5-6 years. it had gotten so bad i had to stop my yoga stretching. and i just love to strecth, thought i would be up for a hip replacement in another ten years time.
over the past 3 years, i noticed i had a symptoms of a leaking gut (on the same side as my hip pain). i felt the two were most definately related. i've since kicked out an outrageous amount of parasites over the past month and half, and felt that these guys had nested into the stomach lining. since then the leaking gut has diminished significantly and with it less pain in the hip joint. i imagine it will take a bit more time for the body to heal and rebuild the cushiony/sinovial fluid matter that had been wasted.
hope you find what it is, pain and not be able to move is not any fun. especially when you feel like dancing.