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Re: Wombieeee! Please help me!
trapper/kcmo Views: 1,775
Published: 17 y
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Re: Wombieeee! Please help me!

i mentioned it as a precaution because the pharmedico naysayers try to bash it as much as they can.

they dont call it "knitbone" for nuthin.

i think youre right about fixing one thing and another thing "breaking." youre old enough to remember when cars were fixed instead of trashed. put a new set of heads on the motor and the bearings start knocking or put a new motor in and the tranny starts whining.

bloating in a male is indicative of dysbiosis/candida/leaky gut. cutting out sugars and wheat and taking Iodine are indicated. coconut oil helps too.

if you want to get anal, do it with the amalgams. how you feel about dentures? whatever it takes, and i do mean immediately whatever it takes, get them out. then start chelating that mercury out of your tissues. you really are chasing your tail with those things in. do your homework. for every person you find that says getting their Amalgams out didnt help them at all, you will find a thousand that say it saved their life. that includes me. the negative ones probably didnt get them properly done and/or chelate afterwards.

candida loves mercury and flourishes in its presence. in fact, you cant get rid of candida and keep it away with mercury present. your choice is crystal clear. get them replaced or pulled. avoid all dental metals.

your flora is not going to get appreciably better with those fillings in. probiotics are an expensive scam. get those fillings out and this summer go foraging in the garden for radishes or carrots and eat them right out of the ground. dig up some dandelion roots this spring and eat them same way. avoid herbacides and such.

i have found most supplements to be a waste of time. as soon as you get those fillings out and get your gut healed up you will be able to absorb nutrients from your food and wont need them at all. you will notice that everything that has worked so far has stopped working soon afterward. thats the fate of a mercury laden body with candida.

your brain cells will work much better after the mercury is out. Iodine will make everything work better, including your brain.

did i mention you need to get the Amalgams out of your mouth?


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