Re: Knee inflammation
I have three books on probiotics in the house and they all indicate benefits to rheumatoid arthitis.
This comes from "Cultivate Health from Within" (my favorite of the three):
Rheumatoid Arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis have been found to be associated with overgrowth in the intestines of particular harmful bacteria, Proteus and Klebsiella, respectively. Both of these can be controlled by healthy bowel flora. The natural antibioticlike substances manufactured by Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and the bifidobacteria kill both of these bacteria."
(To be fair, it also mentions improvements from the following dietary changes:
-low in fat, low in sugar, high in complex carbohydrates
-vegetarian diet)
I don't have RA, so I can't actually speak to results there. I have taken two probiotics brands. Nutrition Now did absolutely nothing. When I switched to iFlora (Sedona Labs), I could tell immediately that it was having dramatic results.
If you are inclined towards researching these things, you will find lactoferrin an interesting topic (it's related to lactic acid/lactic acid bacteria). It appears to be involved in histamine regulation, control of fluid levels/viscosity, creation of mucous, immunity/antibodies, motility, iron transfer, and is an antioxidant.
Best wishes.