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Re: Is 1 colonic enought or do I need 3?
valerie_cct Views: 8,025
Published: 17 y
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Re: Is 1 colonic enought or do I need 3?

Hi Loren86, please don't cancel your upcoming colonic! Even if you have just one session it will be a far better start than none, especially since you have a Colema board on the way.

With the Colema board you will be able to cleanse your colon at your own pace, and eventually it will help you empty your colon from your rectum to the cecum (the upper end of the colon where it connects to the small intestine).

In the meantime, if you don't already have an enema bag, I suggest you purchase one, and take a daily full bag cleansing enema until you go for your colonic.

But by all means go for your colonic appointment. The therapist will be able to help you learn techniques of abdominal massage that you will be able to use on the board when you begin the Colemas to help make them more effective.

Wishing you all the best, and if you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask. And please let us know how your colonic goes.

Sincerely, Valerie


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