Thank you very much MSPep - I appreciate your concern very much! I understand what you say about evaluating the advice given here (or anywhere). I do try to do that ---- I won't just follow any suggestion blindly - it has to strike me as something that makes logical sense to me - I do stop and think about it all to see makes sense to me within the framework of what I believe about the concept of natural, whole health
I still haven't been to the doctor nor had any lab tests done... but I don't think this is MRSA. My wife works in a rehabilatation hospital and she sees that on a fairly regular basis there. She doesn't think mine is MRSA. However, as you point out, it's something that is extremely dangerous - so I should have labs done to know with for certain that it is not that.
I plan to keep updating this thread regularly and sharing my experience, so if you are interested, check back!