I do not agree with only applying the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement for about 30-60 seconds like the other poster said. the whole point is to get the solution soaked into the fungus and make sure it penetrates so it can actually work. if you only leave it on for 30-60 seconds, thats just like rinsing it on there, which is probably not enough. i would say to soak it on for at least 5 minutes. it wont do any harm because we take Miracle-Mineral-Supplement internally and think about it...it stays in our bodies all day. Also, it doesnt sound like you have a planters wart. it is a FUNGUS. A foot fungus. your whole foot problem is because of fungus and the fungus is related to your immune system and the weakened immune system is related to he Hepatitus C. Its ALL related. I would definately SOAK my foot in the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement as well as take the mms internally, as well and try to stay away from as much bread as possible (yeast) and also no sugar. eat as many green vegetables as possible. With the Hep C and the foot fungal problem, its telling you your immune system is weak.I am sincerely wishing you good luck with this and God Bless.