Oh...sorry...forgot to say that if you only are soaking your foot only once a day. that is not enough. you are giving the fungus a chance to grow back. you have to hit fungus VERY HARD to knock it out. you have to be aggressive. at the least, soak it twice a day. once in am and once in pm. or once in am, then midday. Good luck. If you go to earthclinic.com and look up foot fungus, there is someone who has been battling a foot fungus for many many years. they tried everything and guess what worked? beleive it or not, he soaked his toe in a small bucket of bleach (yes bleach) and listerine (yes listerine) mixed with water and he was so amazed because it worked. You should really look it up if you go there because i trully believe it. it makes since. they say clorox bleach is not good internally, and i wouldnt take it internally but when you think about what mms is, its sodium chlorite. What is clorox made of? sodium chlorite. As far as Listerine is concerned...its just a disinfectant. it kills bacteria and germs. so it all makes since. he said his fungus dried up and healed with his persistance. go there and look for the post. it make take about a 1/2 hour to find the exact post but it's there. good luck with this and let us know how it works.