Re: Is plastic making us fat?? doubt you probably have a penchant for being
baaaaaa-d about refusing the crap of family dinner dished
up as if fit for a king...hee hee.
Here when the house was full, I remember in recent memory
two particularly ugly episodes of this a guy
from Puerto Rico where they are unable to enjoy Krispy
Kremes brought a box of them to the house about 2 foot by
3 foot and rows of delicious globlets of fat and sugar.
Of course, some of us with encoded memories of Krispy
Kreme doughnuts reached for some. One particular food
police person interrupted the moment with a stern, "are
you going to eat that~!". He should not have said that
I think...ggg. Doughnuts went flying, dogs scrambling
to scarf them up, ladies and gentlemen backing away from
the table to avoid the gooey attack. Needless to say,
I doubt this guy will ever say anything about Krisy Kremes
again, but I doubt any of us will look at them the same
again. The dogs were the happiest lot that day, the guy
who brought the doughnuts the unhappiest...
Another time, a visiting vegan from Hawaii was one of
a table full of people eating together and just as
another person was ready to chomp down on a leg of
chicken, she decided to spurt out a speech on, do you
know where that came from? although she actually used
the words, "I can't believe you are going to eat that".
It was ugly and I would have left but it became sort
of like watching a car wreck and I was boxed in. Whew,
the look on the chicken eater's face was priceless. Long
story short, if anyone mentions this woman's name, we
all get to hear, again, a tirade about her choice of
timing to promote veganism.
Naw, even when I was a vegetarian myself, and friends
would forget, I did not remind them over a meal that
I was one and point out that there was nothing for me
to eat. I would more often dig in and make a joke over
it when doing dishes.
Margarine however...ggg...I do not blame you for passing
on that stuff. I once listened to Dr. Norman Shealy speak on
the evils of margarine for over an hour. No doubt, any of
us in attendance ever looked at margarine the same again.
I use the kind of languaging that goes something like, "I
would prefer some olive oil, do you have some?", which also
earns puzzled looks but does not sound so much like an
outright rejection. :p