The reason there is a lack of concern, on the part of the powers that seem to be, for the health and well-being of the masses, is because the human population is quickly approaching a critical point on the J curve. All of the elements for survival are available. Only those who choose to utilize them, are surviving. The compulsion to "awaken" others by preaching gloom and doom is based on a fear that "too few" will choose to do so, rendering aftermath a sentence of unendurable solitude. We are all in this together. Nature programs for success. Life is, and cannot (ultimately) be eliminated. Preachers of gloom and doom, who attempt to blame a particular entity, or cartel, for the situation we have collectivly created, are essentially eliminating themselves, embodying the victim mentality, and embracing martyrdom as the only recourse for change. Are "they" building concentration camps and filling them with dissidents? Of course. Incarceration is what a society does when the population is too dense to outcast. Are societies "above" exterminating large segments of the population? Of course not. There is no univerally accepted compassionate Eugenics program to prevent an over-population crisis. Question is: Would anyone want to live in a world where there was?