I have been meaning to reply, but I do shift work and havn't been on line for a few days.
To answer your question, I give my little 16 year old dog 1 drop Miracle-Mineral-Supplement x 5 drops citric acid with 1/2 glass water (about every 2 to 3 days) and squeeze it gently into the back of her mouth, using a small plastic bottle. Of course she doesn't like it but the benefits are amazing. I actually gave her 2 drops yesterday.
She has more energy, she used to sleep all day, now she gets out and walks around. Even barked at a visitor the other day, she hasn't done that for a long time. She has got a cancerous looking tumor on her left eyelid, it's been there for a long time but it seems to be clearing up. Also her eyes were cloudy, (perhaps cataracts)they are becoming much clearer now. I have been taking photos but I want to wait a bit longer before I show them.