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For Everyone who wants help:
roooth Views: 19,838
Published: 17 y
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For Everyone who wants help:

Hi all,

I've gotten multiple requests for the report which is a pdf file. It can now be accessed here:


Sue - one thing the report made me very aware of is that food affects your ph - and yes, Sugar and other typical bad foods along with some good ones can impede your ability to get rid of one. This may seem obvious on curezone, but remember I didn't know any of this stuff or how directly food impacts health. It was the UTI cure that got me interested and led me to curezone as I decided to learn about being healthy. I've learned that foods that aren't so horrible but that are eaten in large quantities (like bread/dairy) also cause troubles. The report will give you maintenance tips, prevention at the first sign tips and what to eat for a few days until it is completely gone. I got them so often I got intuitive about some of the foods not to eat (like fried/sugar/bread/oj/pineapple) but didn't know about others. Anyway, this will bring you some relief, but it sounds like you've had a minor infection for 1/2 a year! You'll need to make some changes to your habits to keep them away, but fear not! It's possible! I've not been able to stay away from some bad foods, but I've only had one all-out UTI since getting the report and it's because I was on vacation and ate whatever and how much food I wanted for a week - for me that'll do it every time!


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