Hey everybody! I'm very sorry - I've been on curezone for 2 years now poking around this and that and never noticed there was a UTI forum! I have had chronic UTI's since I was a toddler - 30 years now. I went to the hospital instead of kindergarden. They never figured out what was 'wrong' with me, they did that operation to search for abnormalities in the urinary tract but never found any.
It's ironic that I never looked at this forum because it was my UTI's that ultimately lead me to alternative medicine in the first place. When I met my husband, we got together and as some of you may know, marriage can exacerbate the problems of a UTI (i.e. much sex = many UTI's). It was having such a bad effect on our sex life, on my ability to go to work, it was really really bad. I was becoming very trigger shy about our physical intimacy because I was so worried about getting sick and he hated making me sick and I wouldn't be able to spend any time with him or sleep with him because I'd be up all night in the bathroom. It was bad. The doctors couldn't help, the
Antibiotics barely did anything and the UTI would come right back, different
Antibiotics wouldn't help, nothing helped. I had more experience with UTI's than my doctors. I started researching anything and everything on UTI's in traditional medicine. The more and more I read, the more I knew the limitations of what the doctors knew about UTI's and the treatments. They'd already checked my urinary tract; their only option was
Antibiotics . I had taken all of their advice on what not to do and nothing, I mean nothing helped. I would hear the same questions and advice which sounded so trivial to me.
I was more desparate and the medical world had NO information. I started researching anything I could think of. Alternative cures, anything. I found some scary/shady looking suggestions. Then I found utireport.com.
I don't know if everyone in here has seen this, but this saved me. It cost about $30 but I could email it if someone wants it. It's a PDF file.
UTI Report boasted of fixing a UTI in 12 hours using ingredients from the grocery store. I was so desparate, I dropped the $30 and said what the hell, I need to find something. I did it and it worked! What shocked me the most was the ingredients. healing broths made of potato, carrot, beet, onion, etc. Tea made from parsley. No drugs, nothing fancy or wierd. Nothing highly medical sounding. Just normal ingredients. And it worked faster and better than any
Antibiotic they could give me. Of course, I'd taken antibiotics all my life and may have been resistant, but I don't think you get resistant to carrots! This was my very first introduction that what you eat can affect very directly a medical issue. Of course we associate greasy foods to heart disease, but on a more basic level I didn't associate most or all medical problems with food as I was not obese and was relatively healthy. Then the report gives you a list of foods to eat and to avoid for the next 3 days while your uti continues to go away. It was crazy. I showed the list of food to avoid to my husband - it looked like my shopping list!!! My husband said, "you're killing yourself!" (not literally) Yup, I sure was 'cause I was eating all the wrong stuff. I've come to believe since experimenting that those foods are fine for me to eat, but quantity is important as well as avoiding junk. Whenever we've gone on vacation and I ate whatever I felt lik for a week, I would always get a UTI.
My theory is that everyone's body reacts to stress in different ways. UTI's are my early warning sign so I will get them if I'm doing something that my body doesn't like. However, I also work on my overall health to enable me to have far less UTI's. The report gives a few steps that can be taken to avoid having them and usually now when I feel a twinge of one coming on (I'm extremely sensitive and aware of it now), I can take some ACV or some Echinechea Tea or some other things known to help (yes, of course cranberry too) and I almost never have to deal with a full flown UTI nowadays.. and when I do it's because of my own carelessness, like on my last vacation.
Learning that there was more power in potato peels than in the entire medical establishment changed the way I think about health. I was very open to learning more. Someone mentioned
The Master Cleanse to me and I jumped in right away, did it, found this site through searching, and since then I've been educating myself subject by subject about health on this site. My latest "new" thing that I've just researched and am very gun-ho to do is the
parasite cleanse. I hope this will take me a good leap towards overall health. So for those of you who suffer UTI's, the UTI Report can fix that UTI and give you suggestions about avoiding them in the future. An overall change in habits will give you less if you experienced them chronically as I did. I already have less so I know this is true for me.
Good luck all, and I'll check back here to see if anyone has questions or would like that file.
Good health to all,