17 y
Re: DMSO and MMS
Eating raw garlic will also kill off all of the pathogens that MMS does and
is much easier on the body. They have in fact done some successful testing
of it as a cure for malaria, which is caused by a parasite in the blood
stream. I've been eating raw garlic for many years, and if I go off of it
for a month or more, I get a healing crisis in the form of a breakout around my
lips and nose - every time, when I go back onto it. Garlic also flushes
heavy metals out of the body. So perhaps this is but one reason I'm not
getting a reaction to MMS that others do. I've also done several oral
hydrogen peroxide cleanses, for several months. So, I don't come into MMS
without having had several clean outs.
I have a green power juicer and at one time had my apartment filled with
trays of beautiful wheat grass but found nothing at all beneficial from that
even with several months of ingestion.
You will see from another response to you on this thread, the benefits of my
current diet. I swear by it. In fact, if we would go back to our
hunter gatherer diet, prior to agriculture - which was high protein, we would
all live to a ripe old age. (Scientists tell us that homo erectus didn't
develop an increased brain capacity until they started eating animal fat.)
We don't need juices or many of the 'manufactured' vegetables that we have
available. Most of them are so hybridized that they provide little
nutrition and aren't found in nature at all. A great read is the Seven
Daughters of Eve by a renowned geneticist who points out that prior to
agriculture a woman couldn't conceive as long as she was lactating which meant
that she could produce a child only once every four to seven years. With
the advent of agriculture and grains our ingestion of carbohydrates increased to
the point where women's bodies changed and they could now produced a child
shortly after giving birth. This explains the low populations of the
hunter gatherers and the explosion of population after agriculture. If
carbohydrates changed a woman's body, you know that they have changed the male
body too and how much they have changed all of our bodies is anyone's guess.
Agriculture was the beginning of mal nourishment and the deterioration of the
human body.