I soak my whole body, rotating legs and upper body as A. it's so hot to begin with and B. I'm pretty darn tall and do'nt fit in my bath. I add either Epsoms and ACV, or Epsoms and baking soda. After soaking as long as I can stand, usually 30 mintues (best to go 45 if you can) I drain the tub and start spraying myself on the tummy with very cold water (supposed to be 55 degrees or lower) aimed at my exit point. I also hit that a few times to help stimulate things. I'm just a rookie at this, MH says his sitzing book will be around 500 pages, but no matter what it's awesome. I have a post on ask barefoot from a couple of days ago, it's a pretty good thread if you want to go read it in his forum. I'm swishing my sunflower oil right now, got the first sitz running. I'll post results later.