Re: Why am I so stupid?
Man that really sucks, I've been their before. I loved a girl, then we broke up. Although we somehow stayed friends. I actually gave no girl a chance at all. I went on a random sex rampage for a long time. I did the random sex, because I wanted what we had. It was just for one night, but it was something to hold me over.
I let so many ladies that were great go by. Since I thought I always wanted her.
It took my 4 years, but I finally realized I didn't want her. I wanted what we use to have. Then since we never did anything or got together personal again. She almost became a fantasy which made it worst. I also saw her messing with other guys. Once was with my best friend at the time. At my own house so I know it's hard.
But now I've gotten over it. To be honest we'd never work out. Espically after all that's happened. Like things that has happened to you. I think you just need to move on. If you think you have a problem. Work on it and get better. It sounds stupid and hard. But if it's a problem for you. It might be a problem for others. So work on it and if you get mad or think its stupid. Let the modivation of being along push you by it. Like when I was a kid I use to be real fat. Everyone always told me I was a nice guy, to good for them, or we're just friends. I lost 90
pounds in a year and a half. Started going to the gym and got into good shape. Now no lady wants to be my friend. When I'm friendly to them now, they think I'm flirting.
Life is hard and it sucks, but WHEN you get thinks straighten out. It's worth it man it can treat you good. Just don't let yourself or any other %¤#&!§- tell you different. Hope this helps man, and plus forget that chick. You wanna be with someone that's been with your friends or people you know. That sucks man trust me it sucks.