Re:tomi (time stap wrong)
i will not remove this because its something i wrote b4 tomi and i met in an agreement. while reviewing the entire thead it looks like i wrote this after tomi and i were happy with each other cause of the time stamp. i wrote this way b4, it was just posted at the bottom of the list.
[[[i know alot of guys that refuse to bring more kids into this world]]]
if lifes that bad why don't they end theirs.
there are many in this world that hang to their lives even though they live most of it in pain and anguish, so let's live in the 'real' world eh! not idealism.
whats wrong with you tomi? you dont tell people to kill themselves because they are not happy! i wonder why unhappy people get out of bed? misery loves company is the answer to that. people that come here to see what people think about abortion dont need to be sent into guilt.
you dont tell someone to end their life. you tell to donate their organs to someone that would appreciate them.
tomi you are wasting alot of time and energy over babies that are gone. why dont you help a person that needs a body part to stay alive? im sure someone wants something you got. maybe all the people 100% against abortion should give life in their own way. Plasma! Blood! which ever
b4 you post the photos of the babies in bags i all ready seen it. and for the death biz photos i seen those to. for some reason the brighter side of things are what i see first. its to late to bring them back to life, and i do believe in recycling anything you can.