[[[i know alot of guys that refuse to bring more kids into this world
if lifes that bad why don't they end theirs.]]]
that means they say they dont want kids, and they use condoms no matter what kind of birth control the lady says she is on!
dont get mad because people are aware of all the bad things in the world. only the naive have their heads in the clouds these days. even the rich are affected by all the drama in the world. most high income families are just having 2 kids per family.
"there are many in this world that hang to their lives even though they live most of it in pain and anguish, so let's live in the 'real' world eh! not idealism."
no need to share the pain. im not mad at you because you think people should reproduce no matter what. everybody dont need kids just because they have functioning reproductive organs.
i like to be happy everyday, when i am in the company of negative people, i think why get out of bed if you cant smile everyday. people tell me i am always laughing no matter what has been going on. there is no need for women to be sad that have had an abortion, its to late. until Fixthedix is a real option abortion should still be legal. failed birth control isnt a real reason to keep having babies. im sure my cousin was not meant to have 6 kids.
would you go raise a baby girl in china? i have been reading for years how they only want sons and how they will abort baby girls. and those pictures of them in a line being shot! who would bring a child any where near that? there are to many people trying to rule the world instead of getting along. in america all of the schools are going to uniform. good/ girl uniforms...... how many happy perverted men are there now? there is too many people having sex with students and creating babies. im just waiting for that to rise! little girls in skirts as a uniform! wrong move!
conception control
vasectomy aka Fixthedix
stop the swimmers