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Re: Who is MtnnnDewww voting for? I just don't know.
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Re: Who is MtnnnDewww voting for? I just don't know.

I'm going to write from the perspective of a conservative Republican who has been quite involved in the political process, not from any other angle, just now.

I detest Rudi. Pro-choice, pro-gay, seems to have too many fishy ties to Israel in my book that might influence his foreign policy, his campaign trickles down to my level in the grass roots as "I was mayor when 9/11 happened." That doesn't impress me. New Yorkers don't impress me (I'm a Texan- can you tell?)... except for my Curezone friend Icky.

McCain- RINO. McCain-Feingold (boo hiss). Sleeps with Hillary. I don't care if he was a POW and the military guys love him. Bill Clinton mentions him all the time when he stumps for his wife. That worries me.

Mitt- The fact he is a Mormon shouldn't be an issue, but IT IS as far as the Christian Right goes. I don't know where his support is coming from. Yes he's a good business man, but Gov of Mass? Mass??? As soon as he started running for President he switched from pro-choice to pro-life. Sorry. Doesn't cut it with the lifers. You either are or you aren't. Every GOP candidate knows he HAS to have the evangelicals or he can't get out of the primary. Mitt's lying.

Huckabee- You're right. His immigration/border security policy is horrible. The evangelicals adore him because they think he's "one of us" since he was a preacher. I adored Mike Huckabee in the 90's. But he's demonstrated as Gov of Arkansas that he favors big (global/mega) business over we the people and I fear he will be another fascist-type like GWB became. Especially with WalMart HQ in Ark. I think if the Christian Right puts Huckabee out there for the general, he would be attractive and electable but he'd change his tune between March and November and we'd be in for another horrible disappointment.

Personally I decided to support Paul. My main reasons for that are that I have been a subscriber to his Freedom Report (economic policy newsletter) for a billion years and he's a strict Constitutionalist (not that that seems to matter to the judicial system anymore, but it matters to me). He's never changed his stand on anything ever that I can recall, which indicates to me he's got some integrity. He's a Christian, pro-life, and a true economic conservative in favor of small government. I don't really like his position on Iraq, because he advocates an immediate drawdown and pull-out. Since I've got skin in the game and several friends' kids are over there, that's too risky for me. But I do agree with him that we never should have gone to Iraq in the first place. Finally, he's bringing in a lot of new blood to the GOP, which we desperately need. Why don't you take a peek at him?

Before this election cycle I never would have considered a Democrat, either. But today, if I found a Democrat who had the character I admire and stood where I stand on issues, I'd have a good look at that candidate.




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