I couldn't tell you at present time. I do know that I'm not voting Democrat, that's a given. I want to keep my money with me, not given away to non-producers so that is a big issue for me. The Republicans, whew...man...I just don't know. They all have warts. Illegals is a big issue for me but Huckabee is terrible on the issue. So is Mac. So is Rudi. I like the executive prowess of Mitt, good solid delegater. Financial mind. Management-type candidate...I do like those qualities. I do think he would run the military like a military unit...not a peacekeeping troupe. Rudi would do that as well. Mac is so-so even though he's a vet. That surprises me that he's not down with waterboarding as most vets are. Very surprising and disappointing. McCain is also in bed with Democrats which raises an eyebrow to guys like me. Bush fell out of favor with me when he handed education over to Dem Kennedy, that was it with me. I won't vote for Mac, that's now been decided. Maybe while I'm typing this out I just might have swayed a little towards Mitt's camp...maybe. Tell me some negatives on Mitt...I'd be interested in listening.