17 y
Re: Who is MtnnnDewww voting for? I just don't know.
Massachusetts is probably the most liberal state in the Union. I can remember only one Republican in the last 20 years who has been sent to Congress from here. Historically we elected Democratic Governors to. Before Deval Patrick was elected last year however, Michael Dukakis was the last one back in the 80's. We had a string of Republicans. First Bill Weld in 1990, then his Lt. Governor Paul Celluci, then his Lt. Governor Jane Swift, and then Romney. They all got elected on platforms that were fairly liberal on social issues and more conservative on fiscal issues. Romney ran against Teddy Kennedy back in 1994 for the Senate on a pretty liberal platform. Kennedy pulled it out in the end but it was close for awhile. Romney to his credit ran a positive campaign back then. This last election he got elected because of his supposed 'saving' of the Salt Lake City Olympics after a bunch of scandals. As soon as he got in office his positions changed. Most people will probably remember the gay marriage debate that took place in Massachusetts. Romney used to be pro-gay but he led the fight to get it outlawed. It would have been one thing if he had held that position on principle for a long time but it was extremely obvious that it was nothing but a political stunt to try to establish his conservative/religious credentials. He was constantly mugging for the camera and holding press conferences about the issue.
In terms of how he governed, I would put him as average. I work for the State government as a forester and he combined a bunch of agencies to supposedly save money and make things run more efficiently. That was one of his big claims to fame - that as a succesful businessman he could cut costs and at the same time make things run more efficiently. Unfortunately it didn't pan out. The theory was that you could get rid of redundant positions - you wouldn't need two HR's, or 2 sets of administrative secretaries etc. In the long run no jobs were really cut, and the combining of agencies created a lot of turf battles and heartache. There is now talk of splitting agencies back up and putting them back the way they were before. Nothing majorly bad happened under his watch, but he didn't really acomplish anything either.I certainly don't consider him "presidential timber". The only good thing about him running for President is that he has left Massachusetts. Yippee!!!!