Definitely food for thought. To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure if I'm capable of thinking at that level. Sort of something I would envision a theoretical physicist or artist could/would do.
Until I found the CureZone I use to bounce things off myself also. With my personality that is not necessarily a good thing. I usually agree with myself that I'm perfect. However, when someone does not agree with that intuitive assessment of myself, the reality is not necessarily validated. However, I think I understand what you're saying. I'm the only one who is going to know what is right, true, or appropriate.
It is nice to get alternative thoughts and perspectives. I’ll have to think about this. The stream of life, and all rivers flow to the sea…… the sea being a vast reservoir of a collective type of nature. Different rivers, different seas, different areas, all on one planet. Do you have some homework that might be a little easier?