good to know another Aussie who is doing it. I like the ayurvedic remedies as well I mean UT has been passed on via ayurvedic or Shivambu but I was interested in the ayurvedic before I found about Shivambu. It is also interesting to hear about your experience with the Enemas. This is something I have never done myself - I have always been reluctant to stick something in that hole - always thought it's only for things that come out but I am becoming more open minded since using UT. Do you do this yourself or have someone who helps you do it ? I'm guess you use Urine too in the enema - do you think you could give us a little more detail of what you do ?
look forward to hearing about how the coconut cleanse goes for you. I may try this one as well as I have a sneaking suspicion I haven't got rid of all of my worms. My skin felt rather unusual last night - almost like it was crawling and a little itchy in places so I'm guessing that I haven't got rid of all of them.