Re: Making a living doing real healing
Thanks MH.
I see all the free $$$ going around funding mis-education and other crap. Usually links back to Rockefeller et. al. I see all that money pouring into population control, contraception, feminism, western quack medicine organizations.
I was just hoping maybe free $$$ were available for the good guys. I see my colleagues in
having a tough time getting funding themselves.
Who knows? Maybe we can all put our heads together and do something. For example the Linux Open Source movement (we geeks are familiar with) is getting funding somehow, some way and is gaining ground. RedHat Linux made money. Google funds projects. Ubuntu Linux was bankrolled by some rich guy to get started.
I do know the very rich Aboitiz family here in the Philippines who owns shipping lines is funding the Anthroposophic doctors here. Especially for their very own use. And many of the rich Chinese business tycoons here hire their own personal Chinese physicians privately.
I'd like to be involved in information dissemination. Save a lot of people. Get the ball rolling.