GS, I'd like to share my household with you and a bit of my reflecting:
My family didn't know how devistatingly ill I was because I didn't want them scared. As I got better and better, i shared with them what changes were taking place. They know that I've been able to do this while working a full-time job. Yet, they don't understand my flying in the face of convention ... it's like they can't see that the 6 members of my mama's family that had these same symptoms were all dead within 24 months; this is month 27 for me, I'm not just alive and kicking, I'm better than I've been in my adult life. This female goes out in her yard, cuts down 20"+ tall saplings with a handsaw, cuts them up and carries them to the curb alone ... WAKE UP FAMILY. They'd put me in the car and take me to the drs office today, IF they thought I'd go.
My grandmother was a healer, but as time passed, she had to go to work in the mill and was tired after having raised 12 kids, she began using a dr for her ills ( a medical procedure killed her at 75, LITERALLY), my mother learned to use the dr from her, and taught me the same and I passed this on to my children, BUT I only went to a dr when I couldn't figure out what to do for myself or my kids. My daughter woke up not feeling well Monday, she had already been to the drs office when she got home from work Monday afternoon ... that's the medical-mentality in the good ole US of A.
You're in the Phillipines where if your kidneys hurt, they go out in the yard, pick some banabe leaves and make you some tea, that don't happen here!!!!!!!
It's not just "the powers that be" here in the States, it's a whole mindset.
You can walk into a magazine store and pick up books on natural healing. It is available. It is people don't want to hear it. "IF it works so good, why did the medical community abandon it???" they ask you in a snide way. Now, I have to ask you ... if you were a doctor, would you rather run by someone's house, give them a few herbs and have them tell you to pick you up a chicken in the yard for your pay .... or would you rather work 8-5 3 days a week, 1/2 days on Wed and Fri, play golf in the afternoon and live in a multi-million $$ house? Healing or money ... healing or money ... healing or money??
Here, we're also taught to almost reverence education. My mother almost fell out of bed in the wee hours of Oct 2nd this year as I stood there challenging the ER dr. To appease her, I shut up. The "treatment" that he was insisting on almost cost her her life. Uneducated as I might be, I WAS RIGHT AND HE WAS WRONG. She wouldn't tell you that today! You don't question the dr, he's trained to know what he's doing. "My body just didn't react the way they expected." ... well "HELL NO, YOU DIDN'T NEED STEROIDS AND A BREATHING TREATMENT ... IT WAS ALL BECAUSE YOUR OXYGEN MACHINE AT HOME WAS BROKEN AND WE PUT YOU ON OXYGEN, THEN YOU WERE FINE"
It's fighting a never ending circle.
GS, I took MHs advice that we should all self-educate and I readReadREAD on health daily ... here at curezone, MHs site, other websites, books.
I'm fighting for my kidney health now that my liver is back inline.
I'm doing some serious consideration with the banaba thing.