When you get involved in activism, going doctor's office to doctor's office, handing out info, raising awareness to the real health issues on a mass scale, then you will find out just what a 1984-type world we live in. The men in black, the black helicopters, the telephone tapping, the radiation guns.... Life becomes a real adventure when you start messing with the status quo & threatening the power-elites. One becomes much less credible when he starts discussing crazy-sounding events like the above happening to them, but that's the point, & usually it's a good enough deterent to shut activists up. People today are asleep & brainwashed. I do not think they have any idea what kind of a world we live in, & how bad it's got. Most mainstream alternative activist/awareness groups that you can view on the WWW are just the spooks poisoning the well. I hope you follow through with this. Good luck.