Re: How do YOU personally apply the LOA?
I like to pretend. Sort of act as if it has already happened. For example with our new house we intend to build this year, I see myself in it. When I am lying in bed at night, I imagine my new house around me. I see all the details of the house in my mind and I "feel" it there, and I am lying in it. I say my new address to myself. I have a picture of an envelope addressed to my husband and I at our new address on my vision board, as well a picture of the house.
I pretend that I already have what I want, and I act as if it is already mine.
Actually this works really well with decisions as well. If you have to decide between two things and don't know which one you want, then pretend that you have each one of them, one at a time. Then you can "feel" which one make you happiest. Like when we had to decide which town we were going to move to recently, I just spent some time pretending that I was living in each one of the towns. And the one that I could most easily "see" myself living in, and the one that "felt" like it would make me the happiest, was the one we chose.
To be honest, I spend a lot of time pretending. Fantasy has never really been a problem for me. It's reality I have trouble with ;)